Creative Commons License
Graceful Images by Jennifer Loveland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

The photos on this site are protected by copyright laws. please do not copy and paste them, or use them with out permission.  Legal action can be taken in the event that any of these images are stolen, and/or altered in anyway.    

About me...

 Hello, my name is Jennifer Loveland. Working as a preschool teacher for six years I developed a distinct love of children. The beauty a child's smile brings to this world is like nothing else. Being a preschool teacher, an aunt, a friend, and a mother helped me find a passion for photography. The more I would grab my camera to capture a special moment or the beauty of the children around me, the more I realized my love of photography. Now I love to help people capture their memories in photographs. Whether at a wedding, the birth of a child or through portraits I hope to help you keep your memories frozen in time.   I believe photographs help the most precious moments in life live on forever.



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